The Sequels: Return of the Ugly, Son of Ugly, Ugly versus Mothra....
Last blast of the ugly. "John McCain faces a daunting challenge, the GOP and the McCain campaign have ramped up their negative attacks on Barack Obama. Just to start, McCain attacked Obama's patriotism and Republicans made much hay out of a video that purportedly shows Obama attending a party where Palestinian, and Columbia University Professor, Rashid Khalidi was also a guest."
HuffPo rounds up the last minute desperation TACTICS. Still no strategy, just throw the crap out there and see what sticks to the wall. Obama is a Socialist, Obama is an extremist who hangs out with the PLO sympathizers, Obama is soft on crime, Obama's a "chicken shit," Obama's policies will lead to a second holocaust, Obama's not a US citizen. (???) Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Johnny Mac, could you be any MORE desperate and obvious?
And from overseas comes this ridiculous item: "The Republicans have made a last-minute attempt to prevent Barack Obama's ascent to the White House by trying to recruit an Oxford academic to 'prove' that his autobiography was ghostwritten by a former terrorist. Dr Peter Millican, a philosophy don at Hertford College, Oxford, has devised a computer software program that can detect when works are by the same author by comparing favourite words and phrases. He was contacted last weekend and offered $10,000 (£6,200) to assess alleged similarities between Obama's bestseller, Dreams from My Father, and Fugitive Days, a memoir by William Ayers."
Oh, and, can someone PLEASE explain to Sarah Palin that we are NOT at war with Iran. Help me out here, folks. What's your opinion? If I smack my head long enough on the table, will I be able to forget that Sarah Palin even exists?
Labels: Barack_Obama, John_McCain, McCain_gaffes, Palin_gaffes, Sarah_Palin
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