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Friday, October 24, 2008

Powell Power

Columnist Maureen Dowd talked with Colin Powell about the general's endorsement last Sunday, in which he talks about the photo of Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan's grave that moved him so much. "Powell got a note from Feroze Khan [Kareem's father] this week thanking him for telling the world that Muslim-Americans are as good as any others. But he also received more e-mails insisting that Obama is a Muslim and one calling him "unconstitutional and unbiblical" for daring to support a socialist. He got a mass e-mail from a man wanting to spread the word that Obama was reading a book about the end of America written by a fellow Muslim. 'Holy cow!' Powell thought. Upon checking Amazon.com, he saw that it was a reference to Fareed Zakaria, a Muslim who writes a Newsweek column and hosts a CNN foreign affairs show. His latest book is The Post-American World...Even though he watched W. in 2000 make the argument that his lack of foreign policy experience would be offset by the fact that he was surrounded by pros — Powell himself was one of the regents brought in to guide the bumptious Texas dauphin — Powell makes that same argument now for Obama. 'Experience is helpful,' he says, 'but it is judgment that matters.'"

Please, please, help us educate this nation... because another GOP organization head, Marcia Stirman, head of the Republican Women of Otero County (New Mexico) just said, and I quote, "Muslims are our enemies... I don't trust them at all. They've sworn across the world that they are our enemies. Why we're trying to elect one is beside me."

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