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Friday, October 24, 2008

Poll Position

Every day bring fabulous new poll news... I'm not gonna jinx anything, but check out the RCP map. I'll remind you once again that RCP is one of the more conservative poll aggregators, and yet even they are showing Obama with 306 electoral votes, not even including toss ups.

And who is in the tossup pile?? Montana? North Dakota? Indiana?

Now go look at Electoral-Vote.com. Go ahead. I'll wait.


Yep. 375 Electoral votes.

Over at FiveThirtyEight.com, Nate Silver currently has Obama winning in 96% of the scenarios. "This is not the time when John McCain can afford a bad polling day. And yet he's had perhaps his worst one of the year."

Yesterday's Big Ten polls have Obama ahead by double digits in ten Midwestern states: he leads by 10 in Indiana, 11 in Pennsylvania, 12 in Ohio, 13 in Wisconsin and Iowa, 19 in Minnesota, 22 in Michigan, and 29 in Illinois. Quinnipiac has Obama ahead by 14 points in Ohio, 13 points in Pennsylvania, and 5 points in Florida.

Date with Destiny

11 days to the election! Oh, Lordy...

Look for late-breaking updates this weekend on Troopergate as Palin and her husband are deposed tomorrow by the special investigator working on the case. Exquisite timing.

Will Ferrell will guest star as President Bush along with Tina Fey on Saturday Night Live this weekend-- but you can watch it ahead of time online.

Don't forget, Meet the Press' guest this Sunday morning, will be John McCain.

Next week, October 29, at 8 pm, Barack Obama will take his half hour of prime address-the-nation time. Woo-hoo!!

And do you have someone on your list who is thinking about voting for Obama, but apathetic, maybe just too darn lazy to get up and vote? Eric has found a fabulous little video service from MoveOn.org that cleverly integrates the recipient's name right into the video. Here's one he made for me. Like I wouldn't vote. Hah!

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