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Monday, October 20, 2008


Speaking of shady, Lawrence Altman of the NY Times asks today, what's the deal with McCain's medical records?: "If elected, Senator John McCain of Arizona, 72, the Republican nominee, would be the oldest man to be sworn in to a first term as president and the first cancer survivor to win the office. The scars on his puffy left cheek are cosmetic reminders of the extensive surgery he underwent in 2000 to remove a malignant melanoma. Last May, his campaign and his doctors released nearly 1,200 pages of medical information, far more than the three other nominees. But the documents were released in a restricted way that leaves questions, even confusion, about his cancer."

Sanjay Gupta, medical correspondent for CNN, points out on HuffPo that McCain is not the first cancer survivor to run for President: ""[Former Senator] Paul Tsongas -- when he ran for office in 1992, he was a cancer survivor at that point, but said he had been cured," recalled Gupta. "We now know that had he been elected to a second term, he would have died in office."

Andrew Tanenbaum, the Votemaster at Electoral-Vote.com (and inventor of the first open source code based on UNIX) also observed that "As increasingly few voters remember, on Saturday, Sept. 24, 1955, President Eisenhower had a heart attack. On Monday, Sept. 26, 1955, the stock market lost $14 billion, the largest one-day loss ever to that date on a volume of 7.7 million shares, the highest volume since July 1933."

By the way, Sarah Palin hasn't released ANY medical records at all. Could it be because her records for this year don't show her receiving any prenatal care from January to April?

SEVEN MONTHS PREGNANT. I'm just sayin'...

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