Saturday Night Half-Alive
Sarah Palin made her much-vaunted appearance on Saturday Night Live, with her watching Tina Fey at a press conference" and then later raising the roof during Amy Poehler's Alaska Rap. Did it help Palin or not? There will be endless discussion, but it sure would've helped her a lot more if it had been --oh...let's say, funny? At least when Hillary was on, she poked bemused fun at herself-- Palin looks like this is a last ditch attempt to make her look cool by associating with Tina Fey.
SNL alum Chevy Chase had this to say: "The management behind McCain's campaign has been dumb. This has only helped accentuate the problem of his judgment in choosing, in such a cynical way, a candidate like Sarah Palin for vice president. I think the last thing that they would want right about now is to have the rest of America knowing all that... to have her be seen on 'SNL,' certainly never there. If anything, you just want her to be seen just from a distance...I'm sure she's very bright, but so is the Butterworth woman."
And one last little bit-- about that wacko conservative Congresswoman from Minnesota, who seems to be calling for witchhunts. I saw Michele Bachmann go on her screed and step off a cliff on the Chris Matthews Show and was speechless, slackjawed. "What I would say is that the news media should do a penetrating expose and take a look. I wish they would. I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out if they are pro-America or anti-America," she said. WHAT is the crazy district in Minnesota that sent this woman to Congress?? Feel free to join the "Censure Michele Bachmann" movement--49,600 signatures so far.
SNL alum Chevy Chase had this to say: "The management behind McCain's campaign has been dumb. This has only helped accentuate the problem of his judgment in choosing, in such a cynical way, a candidate like Sarah Palin for vice president. I think the last thing that they would want right about now is to have the rest of America knowing all that... to have her be seen on 'SNL,' certainly never there. If anything, you just want her to be seen just from a distance...I'm sure she's very bright, but so is the Butterworth woman."
And one last little bit-- about that wacko conservative Congresswoman from Minnesota, who seems to be calling for witchhunts. I saw Michele Bachmann go on her screed and step off a cliff on the Chris Matthews Show and was speechless, slackjawed. "What I would say is that the news media should do a penetrating expose and take a look. I wish they would. I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out if they are pro-America or anti-America," she said. WHAT is the crazy district in Minnesota that sent this woman to Congress?? Feel free to join the "Censure Michele Bachmann" movement--49,600 signatures so far.
Labels: Conservatives, Hillary_Clinton, Palin_gaffes, Sarah_Palin, Tina_Fey
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