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Thursday, October 30, 2008

"I Can't Believe..." Corner

Paris Hilton is still running for President, FYI. Check out her new music video for a little midday hilarity. Really, if it came down to a choice between Paris or Palin...?

Even Fox News' Shep Smith can't believe that Joe the Plumber's line about a "vote for Obama is a vote for the death of Israel." Do you even know Barack Obama's position on Israel, Shep asks Joe disbelievingly, I just wonder what it is that makes you think he's lying about that? Even Shep can't believe this nutter is getting the ear of the American public. "It just gets frightening some times," he says with a shake of his head.

And Timothy Garton Ash has this perspective in the UK Guardian, of an outsider observing the scene in Missouri. Very interesting stuff: "Because of the extraordinary Obama and his extraordinary neighbour-to-neighbour campaign, it has become a vast national conversation, not only about the US's future but also about its difficult past. The map of Missouri is weirdly strewn with old European names: Warsaw, Dresden, Windsor, Odessa, Versailles (correct pronunciation: Ver-sails). Old European cities with a lot of history, including much bloodshed and ethnic conflict. But I doubt that in any of them today, perhaps not even in Warsaw, Poland, the wounds of old wrongs still go as deep or throb as hard as they do in their quiet Missourian homonyms, where nice middle-aged Republican ladies can tell you at once who did what to whom nearly 150 years ago."

And for those of us who remember the Reagan years-- some of us not so fondly, perhaps-- still, progressive future has put together this great ad with audio taken from the Reagan closing argument in one of his debates. "Are you better off than you were four years ago?"

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