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Thursday, October 30, 2008

POLLING: Oct. 30

It's like about a billion polls a day, now that we're less than a week out. You can click on Real Clear Politics ten times and hour and get new results every time. What has happened to my day??

I'm calling this polling profile the "Jaws of Life":

As Wyatt Cenac said so eloquently on the Daily Show-- "Let's just F***ING VOTE ALREADY!"

<== Drive-Thru Early Voting voting in Colorado. GMU is tracking early voting stats here if you need a break from polls...According to their stats, over 17 million early votes have already been cast.

And a Columbus, Ohio pet shelter came up with a "Kitty Caucus" to draw attention to pet in need of adoption. Watch "Who Pooped in the Ballot Box?" on CNN's iReport.

So you might well ask, at what time on Tuesday will I start to get on with my life? When will I top hyperventilating and begin to breathe normally again? When results for Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina and Florida start to come in. Here are the poll closing times, conveniently given in all time zones.

And if you're playing along at home, (you know you are) you can keep track on the CNN map.


Media Watch:

NBC anchor Brian Williams will interview Obama on "Nightly News" at 6:30 pm ET.

MSNBC will air Rachel Maddow's interview with Obama on "The Rachel Maddow Show" at 9 pm ET.

ABC News' Charlie Gibson will interview John McCain in Ohio Friday. The interview with air on "World News" at 6:30 pm ET.


5 DAYS to the election! We can count the number of days left on one hand!

Expect the lines to be long on election day. Seriously. I'd take the day off. Eric's aunt is an election judge in Missouri and says she's expecting to put in a 19-20 hour day. If early voting is anything to judge by, the turnout on both sides will be massive and I have to say, it's exciting. But there's a danger though, as the LA Times points out. "The flood of millions of first-time voters could lead to crowded and contentious polling places across the country, triggering last-minute identity checks that could deny ballots to those whose names or addresses don't match other government records."

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