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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

McCain Campaign Progress Report

Denial (check!) ==> Anger (check-check!) ==> Bargaining (check!) ==> Depression (check!)

Next up ACCEPTANCE. Acceptance that you have royally screwed up your election campaign and that Barack Obama will win, that is. Just to be clear.

HuffPo reports on more infighting at the McCain Palin camp. What else is new? "The McCain campaign continues to snipe at each other over the handling, and subsequent effect, of Sarah Palin on the campaign trail. According Nicole Wallace, a senior McCain aide who is one of Palin's handlers and helped to orchestrate her initial rollout, there is an 'organized campaign to lay blame' for things at her feet. Robert Draper, however, offers a defense of Wallace, saying she's kept quiet about things that a couple of McCain higher-ups have leaked to him, and that Wallace was in a very unenviable position." Yeah, well, she's been in an unenviable position since he joined the McCain campaign.

The Palin Pity Party: "It's a grim binary choice, but apparently it came down to whether to make Palin look like a scripted robot or an unscripted ignoramus. I was told that Palin chafed at being defined by her discomfiting performances in the Couric, Charlie Gibson, and Sean Hannity interviews. She wanted to get back out there and do more. Well, if you're Eskew and Wallace, what do you say to that? Your responsibility isn't the care and feeding of Sarah Palin's ego; it's the furtherance of John McCain's quest for the presidency."

In case you're not irritated enough by Palin's "Wink" Obama's latest ad reminds you of how annoying it is.

And start the GOP Pity Party: After Ted Stevens' um... awkward felony conviction, the Alaska GOP grits its teeth and backs...Ted's...re-election..."Under that chain of events, a special election would be held later to replace Mr. Stevens, giving the party the chance to find a new candidate and keep the seat out of Democratic hands. 'That's the reality,' said McHugh Pierre, a party spokesman. 'Unfortunately, the situation's the situation.'" 'Kay...ALASKA! ARE YOU LISTENING? Hello? Reclaim some shred of your dignity!!! Vote Begich. Jeez, Louise, people.

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