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Thursday, October 16, 2008

McCain's Camp Pain

This is the graphic on the Sacramento County Republicans' official website. It's been taken down, but the very fact that it could be posted on an official site for the Republican party says a lot about where this race has gone--and it ain't pretty.

It's stuff like this that sends Keith Olbermann--not to mention the rest of us-- on his high dudgeon in a new Special Comment on the McCain campaign's violent tendencies. As Paris Hilton is fond of saying, "Loves it.":

"Sen. McCain, your supporters, at your events, are calling Obama a terrorist and traitor and are calling for him to be killed. And yet you keep bringing back these same rabid Right Wing nuts to deliberately stir these crowds into frenzies....There are some things to respect and honor about you, Sen. McCain, but on this, you're not only a fraud, Senator but you are tacitly inciting lunatics to violence. If you want to again grand-stand and suspend your campaign here's your big chance. Suspend your campaign now, until you, or somebody else, gets some control over it and it ceases to be a clear and present danger to the peace of this nation."

And as usual, the Daily Show nails it again with the "levels of crazy here," in an Aasif Mandvi segment.

Campbell Brown, in her inimitable and darling Campbell Brown way, appeals to the candidates directly to cut the bull: "From both candidates, we need real answers. And please don't tell us that you are going to cut pork barrel spending and scrub the waste out of every bloated federal agency. I mean, name a political candidate who hasn't promised to cut the fat and eliminate waste in government. Please, no bull. Be straight with us, we can take it. Americans understand the stakes. Just give us brutal honesty, because so far we are not really getting it."

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