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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Bouncing Edition

Welcome to the hangover. I know we're all trying to get back to normal life after the frenzy of Olympics, DNC, Gustav, Sarah Palin, RNC. I have got to pry myself off of CNN and Wonkette.com. Or at least CNN.

Convention Leftovers
Me, myself and I. Someone actually stayed awake long enough to count how many times John Bush --Ooops, I mean John McCain--said "I"? "When can we expect Fournier to tally up the number of times John "cause greater than self" McCain used the pronoun "I" in his convention speech?"

And in the "Where am I? Who am I?" department, you might have noticed, if you stayed awake, that John Bush-- I mean, McCain-- seemed to be standing in front of a chromakey green screen during his speech. No, it wasn't a green screen, it was actually a lawn in front of a building, which you saw in the long shots during the speech. But what building? Turns out they picked the Walter Reed Middle School in North Hollywood. An odd choice-- why would you do that? Daily Kos has some insights. Perhaps they meant to use a photo of Walter Reed Army Medical Center. And an 18-inch model of Stonehenge. Or maybe they used it because it's where Jimmy Smits announced his election bid on the West Wing? McCain camp? Not talking to the biased liberal scummy media types.

Oh, and by the way, 80s band Heart wants their song back: Nancy and Ann Wilson emailed the following statement regarding the use of the song "Barracuda" to intro Sarah Palin at the RNC: "Sarah Palin's views and values in NO WAY represent us as American women. We ask that our song 'Barracuda' no longer be used to promote her image. The song 'Barracuda' was written in the late 70s as a scathing rant against the soulless, corporate nature of the music business, particularly for women. (The 'barracuda' represented the business.) While Heart did not and would not authorize the use of their song at the RNC, there's irony in Republican strategists' choice to make use of it there."

Factcheck.org has a few more details on the truth-torturing that took place at the RNC: "Sarah Palin's much-awaited speech at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday night may have shown she could play the role of attack dog, but it also showed her to be short on facts when it came to touting her own record and going after Obama's."

But What About the Bounce?
Second by second (not really, but it looks like it) polling from Rasmussen. And more information from the Gallup daily poll. Frankly I wonder if there's such a thing as "bounce" from the conventions anymore. According to Electoral-vote.com, Dems are now leading in CO, IA, NV, NM, ND and OH.

Obama's campaign announced that it's met its $10 million mark, with contributions from over 130,000 donors. Republicans have raised a whole $1 million.

A few Sarah Palin items, on discount
Speaking of bouncing, no, we're not done with Babygate. I'm sorry, I'm not satisfied. It's not the pregnancy, it's not the teen, it's the certainty in my mind that there are lies being told here. Vanity Fair weighs in with a timeline. (Bonus: Take the poll at the bottom of the page, is the baby Sarah's or Bristol's?)

And The Daily Show had a great little segment on "Bristol Palin's decision to keep the baby." Samantha Bee tries to remember another word for that--you know, another word for "decision."

Troopergate Update: Timing, timing is everything. (Just like timing is critical when you're in labor.) "French had initially indicated that subpoenas likely wouldn't be necessary, since Palin had pledged her full cooperation. But earlier this week, Palin's lawyer warned that unless the case were handed over to the state personnel board -- whose three members are appointed by the governor -- Palin would not be made available to testify." Stay tuned.

Final thoughts
Are McCain and Bush the same person? Have you ever see one drinking water while the other is talking...? (YouTube)

My doctor says I need to get my blood pressure down, or at least if I had better health insurance, that's what my doctor would say. So in coming days, I'll be cutting back my ranting, but as always, you can continue to procrastinate on my political page. And you in the swing states get out there and REGISTER TO VOTE NOW!

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