Socks, former Clinton cat, put to sleep -

Socks, the cat who won international fame during his years in the Clinton White House, was euthanized Friday after months of treatment for cancer.Socks, who was born in 1989, was put to sleep about 10 a.m. at Three Notch Veterinary Clinic in Hollywood, Maryland, said veterinary assistant Rae Dera. Veterinarians say he was probably either 19 or 20 years old.
The cat had been losing weight since November and had been treated at the clinic, Dera said. He had been suffering from a cancer in his mouth and jaw.
Since the Clintons left the White House in 2001, Socks had lived with Betty Currie, former President Bill Clinton's secretary. The Clintons were known to have visited Socks, and Currie, when in Washington.
He had been a stray and was adopted by Chelsea Clinton, the Clintons' daughter, when Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas.
For a terrific history of Socks and some wonderful photos of his days at the White House, visit Purr-n-Fur.
Labels: Bill_Clinton, Hillary_Clinton
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