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Friday, October 10, 2008

Sarah Palin Humor Break

Since Sarah Palin joined this race, I've become obsessed with folksy sayin's. Y'know, like, "If ya put all her brains in a thimble, it'd rattle around like a b.b. in a boxcar." That's Eric's favorite.

Here's a fun little flowchart that Helene sent along. This pretty much describes the entire Sarah Palin Debate strategy...

And thanks to Dina for sending this little gem along -- someone has actually--ACTUALLY--attempted to diagram Sarah Palin's sentences, and lived to tell the tale. Oh, how proud my 8th grade English teacher would be.

The Race Card

From the New Yorker's panel discussion on "If I Ran the Campaign," former campaign strategists Ed Rollins, Alex Castellanos, and Donna Brazile offered their takes on this year's campaigns. "Toobin raised the specter of race in the campaign, and Brazile, 48, let loose with an impassioned, ad-libbed exhortation that could be seen as a prescient, preemptive strike to the race-and-religion baiting tactics ("strategies"?) employed by the increasingly-ugly McCain-Palin campaign. Donna's remarks in the link above; you can watch the entire video here."

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